Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Almost Two Weeks

I don't know. It's been almost two weeks since the last time I wrote, and I've done so many things since then, but I still can't put anything together here. If I were trying to build on a theme in all the things I had written during the month of June, I have definitely lost that momentum. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish when I started writing. I guess it was just to give me a place to write what's going on with me and to give you a place to read those things. So then, what's going on with me?

I went to Texas for meetings. I don't like meetings. And I really only hung out with one person the whole time I was there, much to the chagrin of those who make the rules. I had a lot of fun hanging out and talking; but the meetings, and the very hot heat and humidity, and the very cold air conditioning, and Texas in general, I didn't really care for. But how much have I ever cared for meetings, heat and humidity, or Texas? I appreciate air conditioning, but it was too cold there, sitting for long periods of time in meetings. I picked up a little cough and cold while there, and am still not fully over it. I did get to eat a few good meals out, and also went to the beach for a couple of hours one afternoon, so those two goals were accomplished.

So that's what I was doing from last Sunday to Friday. Then Friday I flew to South Carolina for that wedding. I had a fun time there. I went swimming one night for about 20 minutes until the hotel people kicked us out of the pool three minutes before the pool's closing time. And I went and shot skeet Saturday morning with the guy who got married and some of the people in the wedding. And then, about two hours before the wedding, the groom realized that he had left the wedding rings at his house, which was about 25 minutes away, so I drove out there and got the rings, then drove back to the church to drop them off, then had to drive about 15 minutes to the hotel to take a shower and get ready for the wedding... so I finally got back to the church all nice and clean and ran in and got up in the balcony just as the bride's maids were walking down the aisle. Whew!! Yeah, and then there was a dinner and dancing party later that evening, but I didn't dance. Hey, I don't dance. You ought to know that by now.

So I hung out with some old friends from Mexico on Sunday before they dropped me off at the airport and I flew back here. And I'm so tired... still. I think maybe I'll get to bed early tonight. I'm planning on riding out to the new school property sometime tomorrow morning, so I can't stay in bed until 10:00 like I did yesterday and today. I don't know what that new property is like, and I have no idea where it is. But it's ours now, and we'll start moving things soon.

I reckon that's all I can write for you tonight. I hope that someday soon I will have the motivation and inspiration to write more, maybe to write some deep thoughts of some sort or other. But until that time....

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