Sunday, June 20, 2004


Too Early This Morning

Maybe it's too early in the morning to do much thinking. It's only 10:00, after all, and I've only been up since 7:30. The cannons were blast, blast, blasting away around 8:00 or so. As I said before, it doesn't bother me really, but there's a guy here in my house who is out of the USA for the first time. I don't know if the blasts woke him up or scared him or anything, but I remember how they used to startle me. Perhaps they sound like gunshots to someone who's ne'er heard them before and doesn't know what's going on.

We ate tacos yesterday. It's only the second time I've had real Mexican food since I've been here. I like tacos. They seem to like me, too; at least the steak tacos do. They usually agree with my digestive processes. I used to have problems with some of the other varieties, so I generally stick with the steak tacos now.

I'm getting ready for a week of being totally thrown off schedule. But that's okay. It's good to have people here. When I'm all by myself, I can make my own schedule and do things exactly when and how I want to do them. But I'm all by myself. When I'm with people, I have to change my plans and upset my schedule and neglect my desire to be in control. But I'm not all by myself. So it's the old tradeoff. I remember teaching physics and telling my students that everything we're doing is trading one thing for another: distance for force, work for energy, kinetic for potential. All we have to do is figure out how to balance these tradeoffs. But I suppose just about everything we do in all of life works on the same principles. We trade this for that, and we try to find the best balance we can.

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