Friday, November 04, 2005


Big Day for Bad Drivers

This morning there was frost on my car. I guess it's getting around to that time of year: the cold season. It'll probably be good and cold by the time Thanksgiving gets here, which will make my trip to Acapulco (which I will hopefully be making during the Thanksgiving holiday) even nicer. I haven't been to the beach to swim since July 2004 in South Padre Island. I went to two beaches while I was in Korea, but it was too cold to swim. I wasn't dressed for swimming anyway.

I saw three wrecks this afternoon. I actually saw one happen live, right before my eyes. The first was a school bus that somehow ended up knocking down a telephone pole. It didn't look like it was too badly damaged though. I can't imagine what the driver had to be doing to wreck like that, except be driving way too fast. The second was the one I saw happen. This punk kid driving way too fast on Lomas Verdes lost control of his car while trying to weave through traffic. He lost it about 5 seconds after passing me going way too fast, but by that time he was well ahead of me. He ended up going across all three lanes twice before hitting another car. Everyone got out of their cars and seemed to be okay. The third happened right in my neighborhood. It looked like two punk kids were fighting for position, and the loser of the fight ended up driving straight into a wall.

I ate sushi yesterday. I ate tacos at La Leonesa tonight. I love sushi, and I love tacos.

In case you were wondering.

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