Saturday, August 06, 2005


'Round and 'Round It Goes

It's raining outside. It's been raining pretty hard now for a few hours. Long long rainstorms like this are rare here; brief fierce rainstorms are an almost everyday occurance during the rainy season.

How come it's so hard to think of anything to write? Words don't come. The thoughts are up there, but they never make it to my fingers. All night tonight I've been reading people's blogs... or xangas.... or whatevers. People I've never met and probably never will meet. They don't seem to have any problem thinking of stuff to write for their action. Although most of it is random poo. I think that's what inspired this entry.

But these blogs are from other Journeymen, mostly in Eastern Europe. There were some interesting things I read. Mexico seems like such a common place compared to some of the places these people go. Prague for the weekend, St. Petersburg for the day, London to see a friend. I've never been out of Mexico for anything related to the mission, except for meetings in Texas. Cuba.... that's where I want to go... on this side of the world.

One of these blogs linked to a "Don Chaffer Webring" and said "Currently listening to Bright Eyes". To enjoy either of those one has to be at least slightly out of the mainstream. But both on the same page... wow. That's way out of the ordinary. There is some good Bright Eyes action. There is even more good Don Chaffer action. Speaking of which, I really listened to Don Chaffer's "You Were at the Time for Love" for the first time today. It is excellent. I bought it back in May or June, and my mom brought it here for me when she came in June, but I hadn't really listened to it until today. The only song I'd listened to was "The Worst Is My Being Alone". I've mentioned this before, but not to this extent. The reason I'd not listened to this cd before is that I've been enthralled by 10,000 Maniacs for the last three months. It seems like the only thing I've listened to seriously since April is "Campfire Songs". Why listen to anything else when there is so much on these two cd's? After I give "You Were at the Time for Love" several more good listens, maybe I can tackle "What You Don't Know".

If you are asking what in the world I'm talking about, I'll just say, "Yes, I realize that most of that last paragraph has absolutely no meaning to you. But that's the music I've been devouring, just in case anyone out there is wondering. Maybe someone will recognize something."

I've been out of the USA since December 31. That is just over seven months, which is the longest stretch I've ever spent outside of the USA. The longest stretch I spent outside the USA during my first term in Mexico was just over five months. The longest stretch I've ever spent away from Tennessee is eleven months, during my first year in Mexico. Barring any unexpected events, I should beat that mark.... just four months to go.

3 lists:

5 things I've enjoyed this last week:

1. Xochimilco
2. Soccer
3. Sushi
4. Hanging out with my brother in general
5. Good telephone conversations

6 things I've enjoyed this last month (not including this last week):

1. Driving to Leon for Mission Meeting with old friends
2. Swimming in the pool in Leon
3. Swimming in the pool with kids
4. Quoting with kids
5. Long conversations late into the night
6. Reading good emails and old fashioned paper letters

7 things I've enjoyed this summer (not including this last month):

1. Being free of the stress of school
2. Flying on a 747
3. Flying on Japan Airlines
4. Eating lots of good Korean food
5. Experiencing a culture that is completely foreign to me
6. Seeing my mom when she came to visit
7. Eating watermelon and shooting fireworks on the 4th of July

you played soccer prof?? how weird...but cool. lol..i guess you were really in the mood. hehe...but neways, i know this comment is being posted like a little less than a month since you posted the thing but hey..who cares. i just wanted to say hey...i think i'm gonna call you cuz i need to talk to old friends/teachers since i haven't in awhile...oops. hehe..but neways..ttyl...ciao!

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