Thursday, January 06, 2005


A Night of Random Thoughts

So how long has it been since I've updated my blog? Seven weeks? That means it's... no way... it can't be January already. It can't be 2005. Not yet. I guess it can and is, eh? So that's enough lamenting the time that's passed... enough lamenting the plans I didn't realize... enough lamenting the things I didn't do. And yeah, I've had the intention at times during the last several weeks to write something here. But my problem (besides the problem of laziness) is that I always want to write something good, something meaningful, something insightful. If I don't feel like I can put something on my blog that's actually worth the time I spend writing and the time you spend reading, then I shouldn't waste my time or yours. But then sometimes I throw that out and just sit down and type, like tonight. Maybe I could write something like I wanted to write around Thanksgiving. Maybe I could write something like I wanted to write around Christmas. Maybe I could just go ahead and write my New Year's blog entry... I'd only be a few days late on that one, as opposed to weeks on the others. Maybe I'll do something completely different. Booga booga boo! Bet you didn't see that coming!!

While I was in Tennessee (and Alabama for a few hours) during my Christmas vacation time, I had a number of conversations (over food) with friends. Some were old friends, some were old old friends. I've even had a few conversations with newer friends since being back in Mexico. But during some part of these conversations, we've gone to my situation: where I am, how'd I get (back) here, what I'm doing, and what in the world comes next. A brief answer to each of these four questions: Mexico City, not quite sure, teaching math and science, and I have no idea. But I think I mentioned every time how glad I am to be here. I feel blessed beyond measure to be here where I am, doing what I'm doing. I know what it's like to be in a place I don't like; I know what it's like to do something I don't like doing, or to not have anything to do at all. This is an amazing blessing I've been given. So much so, that my statements about living outside the USA have sometimes been taken as offensive by people who don't understand the difference. Don't get me wrong... there are definite advantages to living in the USA, and there are definite advantages to living elsewhere. I happen to be very thankful that I am living elsewhere for the moment. That's all I can think to say about that.

Five random thoughts:

1. I like Coca-Cola signs. You know, the big huge neon ones like we have here in Mexico City. There is one on the Periférico near the Toreo, and there is one on Viaducto. There are probably others that I don't see very often because I don't drive those roads much. This city is so big; there could be a hundred of them out and about in the city and I'd never find three-fourths of them because I'd never have a reason to go to those parts of the city.

2. There are some things that I would force everyone to do if I had my way. For example, I would make everyone watch the Godfather movies several times. Just parts one and two though... part three would be optional. I was thinking recently that if I could make people do things, I would make everyone go out and buy the new Caedmon's Call cd, "Share the Well," and listen to it a thousand times. I think I am about three-fourths of the way through my thousand listens. It is very good.

3. I like the writings of C.S. Lewis. I don't know why I like them so much, but I do.

4. Four great songs by Skillet: "Safe with You," "I Can," "You Take My Rights Away," and "The Thirst Is Taking Over"

5. I like eating tacos. I like real Mexican tacos and Taco Bell tacos. They are very different, but both very good. One of them is authentically Mexican, while the other claims to be but is not; but that doesn't mean that both can't be tasty.

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