Wednesday, November 10, 2004



So, I've decided that it is officially getting cold here. Not that I'm the one who decides, but you know what I mean. It actually wasn't a hard decision. The last three days there has been frost on the car when I left in the mornings to go to the school. Not just a little bit, but a good solid layer of frost, all over the car. That never happened during my first time here, so here's my theory about why it's happening now.... I live in a different neighborhood. For one thing, I'm on top of a hill, and we get a lot of wind. So the warmth that gathers during the day is quickly blown away as soon as it starts getting dark. The weather here is so dependent upon the sun. Since we are at a low latitude (technically, we're in "the tropics"), the sun is very strong, all year round. But at our high altitude (about 7500 feet), the thin air warms quickly during the day but cannot hold on to the heat through the night. So the days are great and the nights are cold. I don't know how cold the air has to be for frost to form on a car, but I heard this afternoon on the radio at about 4:00 that the temperature was 26 degrees Celsius. That is about 79 degrees Fahrenheit. So we had a temperature range today of perhaps nearly 50 degrees. Another thing about this neighborhood where I live is that it is a lot more open than my old neighborhood, and with the lack of concrete all over the place the daytime heat escapes more quickly. Yeah... that, and the wind.

I don't reckon that I have anything serious to write, so I'll end abruptly now.

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