Monday, July 26, 2004


A Goofy Poem

It's getting harder and harder to write, because there is so much running through my head. If I had a bajillion thoughts running through my head before, now I must have a gazillion. Those of you who know about those very large powers of ten know what I mean. For those of you who don't, I will just tell you here: there are a million bajillion in a gazillion. Simple enough, eh? But the problem with all these thoughts is that I haven't taken the time to sit down and go over all these things that I've been thinking. That's why I haven't been writing much for a little while.

But I was feeling rather saucy this morning at about 4:00, and so I decided to write a poem. I was thinking about these conversations I've had recently in which I've mentioned the song "The Scientist" by Coldplay. I really like that song, but I think the song had to be written a dozen times before it got that good. So here's my suggestion of what Coldplay's "Scientist" might have written as a first draft.

"For the Scientist's Beloved"

My love, you are more beautiful to me than my hypothetical proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

Your face and the symmetry exhibited therein is more lovely than the radial symmetry present in Pisaster giganteus.

Your eyes, while reflecting electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of only 450 nanometers, cause an effect of a resonant nature in me when the cones and rods of my retinae are activated by their light.

Your proportions are more aesthetically pleasing than the golden ratio itself.

My cardiac muscle contracts and expands in cycles of decreasing period when my neurons are alerted to your presence.

I smile at the very vibration of my tympana in reaction to the compression waves emitted from your larynx.

Your emanations cause a soothing olfactory response for me.

To ponder both your inner and outer beauty is better than to ponder the dual nature of light.

Before I was even able to perceive the proverbial primary seismic waves you released to my life, my world was shaken by the secondary and tertiary waves.

You are the outside force spoken of in Newton's First Law of Motion that changed my inertia by giving magnitude and direction to my state of rest.

My love, you are the cosmos to me: You are my Milky Way and Andromeda, my quarks and neutrinos.

Yeah, most of the people in the world shouldn't write poetry. I'm one of those people. I actually probably shouldn't even read poetry ever, because it's too far above me. But that's my poem I wrote. Hope you enjoyed it!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Almost Two Weeks

I don't know. It's been almost two weeks since the last time I wrote, and I've done so many things since then, but I still can't put anything together here. If I were trying to build on a theme in all the things I had written during the month of June, I have definitely lost that momentum. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish when I started writing. I guess it was just to give me a place to write what's going on with me and to give you a place to read those things. So then, what's going on with me?

I went to Texas for meetings. I don't like meetings. And I really only hung out with one person the whole time I was there, much to the chagrin of those who make the rules. I had a lot of fun hanging out and talking; but the meetings, and the very hot heat and humidity, and the very cold air conditioning, and Texas in general, I didn't really care for. But how much have I ever cared for meetings, heat and humidity, or Texas? I appreciate air conditioning, but it was too cold there, sitting for long periods of time in meetings. I picked up a little cough and cold while there, and am still not fully over it. I did get to eat a few good meals out, and also went to the beach for a couple of hours one afternoon, so those two goals were accomplished.

So that's what I was doing from last Sunday to Friday. Then Friday I flew to South Carolina for that wedding. I had a fun time there. I went swimming one night for about 20 minutes until the hotel people kicked us out of the pool three minutes before the pool's closing time. And I went and shot skeet Saturday morning with the guy who got married and some of the people in the wedding. And then, about two hours before the wedding, the groom realized that he had left the wedding rings at his house, which was about 25 minutes away, so I drove out there and got the rings, then drove back to the church to drop them off, then had to drive about 15 minutes to the hotel to take a shower and get ready for the wedding... so I finally got back to the church all nice and clean and ran in and got up in the balcony just as the bride's maids were walking down the aisle. Whew!! Yeah, and then there was a dinner and dancing party later that evening, but I didn't dance. Hey, I don't dance. You ought to know that by now.

So I hung out with some old friends from Mexico on Sunday before they dropped me off at the airport and I flew back here. And I'm so tired... still. I think maybe I'll get to bed early tonight. I'm planning on riding out to the new school property sometime tomorrow morning, so I can't stay in bed until 10:00 like I did yesterday and today. I don't know what that new property is like, and I have no idea where it is. But it's ours now, and we'll start moving things soon.

I reckon that's all I can write for you tonight. I hope that someday soon I will have the motivation and inspiration to write more, maybe to write some deep thoughts of some sort or other. But until that time....

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Nothing Good to Write

So it's been almost a week since I've written. I'm actually considering this Thursday night, although it is actually like 1:00 on Friday morning. The blogger program will stamp the actual time at the bottom for you. I still don't have anything good to write, but since I just spent quite a bit of time writing four pages in my journal, I figured I could spare some words for my blog. But it'll only be words, and not good thoughts... no "inspirational thoughts" as secret agent Herman Johnnie IV called them. I don't think I can spare any thoughts for the moment; I'm trying to use all my powers for good right now. Maybe I'm in a superhero frame of mind, since I watched Spider Man 2 last night. I get too wrapped up in movies. I got too caught up in the Lord of the Rings movies and so I tried writing all old-timey and what not, and trying to use phrases and sayings that they used way back when. Now I'm thinking I have super powers, and that this responsibility will cost me my dream, the thing I most desire... yeah, I'm definitely in too much of a Spider Man mood.... But I'm torn between the two... the thing I want to think of as being "my life" (when it actually isn't mine at all, I've been bought with a price, remember)... and the responsibility of being where I am, at this time, for this purpose, etc. Hmm..... no good thoughts there, just random babbling.

So what else is new? I finally moved this week. This new house is a decent house. I have two complaints though. The bathroom and kitchen are very small, the bathroom to the point that I have to get in and close the door to get clear access to the sink, and the kitchen to the point that the dishes are put up in the cabinet in the separate dining room, because there is not a cupboard big enough to store the dishes, apparently. I actually haven't tried to rearrange things yet; that's just the way it was when I arrived. The other complaint is that there is no place for me to go outside where I can have any measure of privacy. My old house had a small backyard / patio area, and also an upstairs patio area with good privacy. The place I was staying for the last month had a closed-in parking area that was nice and large and provided a decent place to be outside in privacy. What's the big deal with me being outside and wanting to be shielded from the neighbors? I grew up for many years in the country, on 100 acres. From our front porch we couldn't see any other houses. I could walk for hours around the farm, if I had the energy and the desire to do so, without ever leaving the privacy of our own land. It'll be an adjustment for me here in this house. There is actually a back patio, but I don't think it's well suited for anything. So anyway, those aren't very good thoughts either, just more babbling.

The last thing I think I'll write tonight is that I'm getting ready to go to Texas for meetings. I'll have to pack a bag tomorrow, though we're not leaving until Sunday, since I'll be sending a bag with someone who has a car bigger than a Neon. I'm riding up to Texas in a Neon with two Journeygirls, so I figured I'd go ahead and send my stuff along with someone with a van. I don't want there to be any problems with all the luggage fitting. Then next Friday, I'm flying up to South Carolina for a friend's wedding. So I'll have a busy time for the next week and more. I guess that's all I can write tonight. It is after one in the morning, after all.

Friday, July 02, 2004


Nothing to Write

Maybe tonight my inspiration is ignoring me. Maybe my inspiration is just an illusion. Maybe it's just been hope that's inpired me. I don't know. But I can't write without inspiration, so tonight I have nothing to write. Not e'en the beautiful weather we've had here the last three days or the full moon tonight can inspire me. Not e'en listening to Steve Bell for hours a day, every day for the last week, is inspiration for me tonight. Not e'en the unbelievable amount of amazing real Mexican food I ate for lunch today can inspire me to write anything more tonight. My inspiration is ignoring me.

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