Thursday, July 20, 2006
My Water Heater and I
If I were forced at gunpoint to rate the performance of my water heater over the last two years, I would give it a 3 out of 10. It earned 2 of those points by keeping its pilot light on all night about 25% of the time. The other point is for the fact that it does heat water quickly. But that's only one point, because it should heat that water quickly; it's such a small amount of water. It's not enough for me to take an entire shower without feeling the cold at the end (or at the beginning, or somewhere in the middle). So in light of its poor performance, I haven't been on good speaking terms with my water heater. And a week ago was the last straw. I ripped out that thing's pilot light assembly and downright replaced the whole thing! Showed it who's boss!! Over the last week I would rate its performance at 7.5 out of 10. That's 6.5 points for keeping the pilot lit 100% of the time, even in the blinding rain. The other point is for the fact that it does heat water quickly.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Car Trouble
My car broke down yesterday. The guy who drove the tow truck said that it was a hose. That explanation makes sense to me. I was driving along, when suddenly these horrible noises started somewhere in the engine. I pulled over and got out, and saw that a lot of liquid was pouring onto the ground. I pushed the car back a little bit to get a better look... it was green... anti-freeze. I was trying to go a back way out to the school for our July 4th party when the car broke. I decided that I wanted to be in an easy place to describe for whoever might come help me, so I started the car back up and turned around to head back to a main road, but the engine shut down before I made it. I ended up calling the insurance company, and they called a nearby tow truck that took the car back to the office neighborhood. While I was waiting for the truck, I saw a three-legged dog hobbling down the road. It was running after a guy on a bike, who I guessed was its owner. It was funny, I noticed while watching that dog, that it seemed as happy with three legs as any four-legged dog. I know it’s just an unintelligent dog, but could we intelligent people learn a lesson there?