Sunday, October 16, 2005


Big Thought for the Day

I love sushi.

In case you were wondering.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Big Party

Today we had a big party at school. Dia de la Raza is sort of like Mexico’s version of Columbus Day. Since the pre-Columbian Indian population of Mexico was almost completely wiped out by the Spaniards, Mexicans don’t like to celebrate the arrival of Europeans the way Americans do. We didn’t even get out of school. But Dia de la Raza is more of a day to celebrate the original inhabitants of Mexico. Mexico has an amazing, rich history of advanced native peoples. They were building cities and pyramids during the time of the Roman Empire. They were making astronomical and mathematical discoveries before their European counterparts. Our big party at school was a celebration of some of the different cultures that have come together to make our school culture. It was basically tables and tables of excellent international foods. I ate my fair share, and perhaps more. I probably would have eaten even more if I hadn’t been having digestive problems this morning. I think I was feeling bad because of nerves. I had to give a brief devotional to the teachers before school started. I reckon it’s silly of me to get nervous like that, but I still do. Thinking about today’s celebration of cultures, I talked about our citizenship in heaven. I think it went well, but I don’t know what the others thought. With two days left this week, I am finished making lesson plans for next week. That is a big relief. Now I can work in the office. There is a pile of work there waiting for me.

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